What You Really Need For Your 1st Child

mother holding an adorable baby

It wasn’t long after I fell pregnant for the first time with Jack that colleagues were forwarding me their ‘must have’ baby items.

I remember opening one such email on the tube at the end of the day and yes, I was 7 months pregnant and tired but my eyes quickly became blurry scrolling through the 4 pdf pages of ‘essentials.’

Yes, things that are deemed “absolutely necessary” (thanks OED) such as “¾ length sleeves sleepsuits.” Ummmm. I wish these women had had places like KidX who save so many items from landfill and in turn help new mums find so much of what they need for less.

According to a 2010 USDA report, the average middle-income family will spend roughly £10,000 on child-related expenses in their baby's first year of life. SAY WHAT?!?!

Mamalina holding her baby Jack

So, two children in, and nearly five years of parenting, here’s the only four things that you really need from day 1 for your first child (let’s assume you’ll want to clothe them):

Buggy: Unless you’re going to be full on attachment parenting, the chances are you’ll be needing a buggy. Buggy, pram, stroller, pushchair; call it what you will, parents seem to agonise over how they plan to cart their little ones about. In my experience of having tried a fair few, you adjust (and end up liking) any buggy you get and honestly, it’s just a means of transport and I genuinely don’t think it’s that important which one you end up going for.

The main factor is size; how big a person you are as a mum and what feels good to be pushing around. For example for me, being quite small, I knew I wanted something quite small, light and easily foldable as we do a lot of moving around (and also coffee shop faffing).

Baby carrier: Arguably, a parent needs to be a little more picky with their baby carrier as this is going on their body and can lead to all sorts of aches and pains (mum) and tears (baby) if it doesn’t feel right for either person.

Head to KidX to try out a few before buying or visit a local sling library to try some on and get some expert advice. Baby carriers are an amazing way to get you and child out and about hands -free, as well as to lull them to sleep and to hold them close and comfort them. I couldn’t live without my baby carrier.

Crib: Or you can co-sleep (I’m not advocating this, I have no medical training, but it’s an option!)

Car seat: This one goes without saying.

Blanket: Don’t skimp on finding a lovely blanket for your baby. This will be up against their body and face and will end up smelling of you, and be a real comfort for them.

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Nice to haves...:

  • a changing bag - dig out a rucksack or bag you already have
  • steriliser - at least not from the word go
  • baby bath - hold your baby in the main bath
  • loads of toys - have you ever given a baby a wooden spoon or piece of tupperware?!
  • a playpen
  • nappy disposal bin - there’s nothing wrong with your normal outdoor waste bin
  • a changing table - a normal chest of drawers or low table or the floor is perfectly adequate
  • baby monitor - you’ll hear your baby unless you really are that far away
  • special baby soap - just use water at the start

and so, so much more.

In summary, at the very least, there’s absolutely no need to buy so much all brand new. Have your baby and see how you go, is my main piece of advice. Maybe you bought that fancy steriliser and actually your baby doesn’t like feeding from a bottle so it will be no good and a total waste of money.

I wish businesses such as KidX were around where I could have gone once Jack was born and easily buy kids stuff on the spot that I knew that I needed. You can find everything there from toys to travel systems and unlike auction sites which put me off with all the waiting for bids to finish (and the uncertainty that comes with that), you can walk in and instantly find and leave with everything you need.

So, if you’re reading this and a new parent or a parent to be, please pause, think, maybe head to KidX and consider what you’ll really, really need for your baby.

By Mamalina


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